Carina Taylor hails from Dunoon and, despite leaving the town to work and study in Glasgow, she has returned to her hometown to teach at Kirn Primary School.
“I always knew I wanted to come back to Dunoon to be close to my family, but also to have the community feeling that I missed in Glasgow,” she said.
“ɬ is a place where you feel part of something that is not just school wide but community wide. I knew that I wanted to bring up my two children here.
“It is a lovely place for our family to live. We enjoy the beautiful scenery on our many walks. My husband enjoys kayaking and mountain biking and is able to participate in events as he is part of the sailing and mountain biking club. We have a great group of friends who have either moved here or always lived here. We also enjoy being close enough to the city to visit when we choose.
“I really feel like I have a good work/life balance. If there are events in the school I will always bring my family (grannies and grandpas too!) so it doesn’t feel like work. Living in a close community I have plenty of people to rely on if I am in need of childcare – or just a cup of tea! There is also a range of things that are on offer in the town to go and see. I get on really well with my colleagues so we often go to social events together.
“Anyone thinking about becoming a teacher in ɬ, I’d say go for it. It really is a wonderful place with wonderful, friendly people.”