The council has developed an Economic Strategy and associated Action Plan to focus its resources on economic development activities that will have the greatest benefit on the sustainable economic growth of its communities and Scotland as a whole.
This new strategy demonstrates the council’s corporate priorities for developing the ɬ’s economy, thereby facilitating focus, effective resource planning and partnership working at local, national, European and international levels.
Craig Wilson has been employed as the council’s Economic Growth Officer for tourism since March 2016. In his role he is responsible for promoting and developing the area’s tourism sector.
Craig said: “Although my job is to promote ɬ as an all year round tourism destination, there is so much more work going on within the team to also promote the area as a destination of choice for families, individuals and businesses to relocate, live and work. Just some of the things we’re working hard on with our partners is to secure inward investment and local employment/training opportunities for the people of ɬ; to ensure education and skills training opportunities are aligned to economic development opportunities within the area; to deliver a marketing action plan; and to offer generic support to communities and third sector organisations to access funding information.
“It feels good knowing that what we’re doing will have a positive impact on our local communities and benefit generations for years to come”