
A is for Adoption

Over the next few weeks we'll be publishing an A to Z of council services, focussing on a different letter each day, to show you some of the work that staff are doing behind the scenes.

We're kicking off the process today with: A for Adoption

Every child deserves the best start in life and that’s why the council and its partners are working hard to encourage more people to consider adoption.

Lorraine Prentice is the council’s Practice Lead for adoption and fostering.

“Social workers take on this career to try to make a difference to other people’s lives, and this is one field where this can be done to great effect,” She said.

“Helping people through the process of becoming adoptive parents, knowing that they’re going to make a huge difference to a young person’s life, is extremely rewarding. Watching that bond develop between them is very special. From getting to know each other, and seeing them draw close, to eventually becoming a legal family - there are no words to describe it.”

Lorraine continued: “Throughout the process of adoption we provide ongoing support, but we’re also committed to offering post adoption support to any adopters or people affected by adoption across ɬ. The Family Placement Team is always available to give advice, support, or even just lend an ear. We run regular support groups for adopters across Argyll and offer training events. Please contact us if you want to be added to our mailing list.”

To find out more about adoption in ɬ visit: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/adoption

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