Pupils at Barcaldine Primary School are polite, enthusiastic and friendly children who demonstrate creativity and independence in their learning.
These were the words of inspectors from Education Scotland following a recent visit to the school.
In a glowing HMI report, pupils at Barcaldine are described as being kind and supportive to one another, and are rightly very proud of their school and their many achievements.
Inspectors praised the head teacher for leading positive change in the school and acknowledged the commitment of all staff to ensuring a caring, supportive and nurturing ethos.
The school’s approach to health and wellbeing was also praised, and its outdoor learning area was identified as a key strength in enabling the children to apply their knowledge and skills across the curriculum in a stimulating and exciting way.
Inspectors acknowledged the significant partnerships that the school has with parents and the local community, which have helped enhance children’s learning experiences, and the interdisciplinary learning that provide children with relevant, real-life contexts for learning.
ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly said: “This is a glowing report and the staff, pupils and parents at Barcaldine Primary School should be very proud of themselves.
“The staff all work extremely hard to ensure our children get the best start in life and they are dedicated to creating a fun, learning environment for pupils.
“The children themselves are a credit to the school too and I look forward to seeing things go from strength to strength to raise attainment even further. Well done to everyone involved.”
Barcaldine will now continue to develop robust systems to assess, track and monitor children’s progress over time, and will build on further opportunities for children to take ownership of their own learning.