
W is for Website

W is for Website

Lorne MacBrayne is the council’s Website Manager.

It’s vital that members of the public have easy access to council information and services, and behind the scenes Lorne and his team are hard at work ensuring this happens.

Lorne said: “As well as being responsible for the corporate council, we also look after ‘The Hub’ (staff intranet), over 70 school websites and various others including our marriage site. We also maintain the digital signage screens that are displayed in the customer service points and the self-service kiosks which are available for the community to use.

It’s important that people have easy access to the information contained on these sites and that they can access the council services they need at a time that suits them. The main council website gets around 300,000 page views every month.”

Lorne and his team also deal with members of the public on a daily basis and with providing feedback to services.

“I love my job—it’s really interesting and rewarding,” he said. “There are always new developments, things are constantly evolving. We’re always looking at ways we can improve.”

Visit the website at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk

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