
U is for Understanding Need

Week five of the A to Z of council services and we're looking at the letter U.

U is for Understanding Need

Helping people get involved in decisions that affect them is a key part of Genna Lugue’s job.

Genna is the council’s Research and Engagement Officer.

Genna said: “We recognise the importance of consulting our communities. Consultation provides us with meaningful information so we are working to develop a more consistent approach to consultation to ensure engagement is effective and that feedback is provided to respondents to show how they have influenced decisions. An example of this is for instance is the yearly budget consultation or the Rural Growth Deal, both of which saw a really good response rate.

“People are entitled to have their say on issues that affect them and I’m glad that I can help bring these all together.”

For information on current consultations visit the home page of the council website: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/home

If you would like to have consultations emailed directly to you, please find out about our Keep in the Loop service.

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