Ann Martin is a Through Care After Care Social Worker in ɬ, working with young care experienced people and key partner agencies to make life better for our young people.
Ann supports vulnerable young care experienced people to remain in their current placement/home after they turn 16 and, if appropriate, their 18th birthday, under the Scottish Government’s Staying Put Initiative (2011).
Talking about her role, Ann said: “As a team we work collaboratively with the young person and key partners to ensure they achieve best possible outcomes in terms of education, employment, training, finances, housing and support them in managing criminal/youth justice and mental health,” she said.
“The list goes on but the most important part of my job is to form and maintain relationships with our young care experienced people. My daily routine varies as young people’s needs are unpredictable, particularly around mental ill health, which will always take precedence. Much as it may sound like a cliché, I love my job and working with young care experienced people and key partner agencies to make experiences better for our young people.”