UPDATE 2 September 2019: The consultation is now open and can be found here /consultations/argyll-and-butes-community-food-growing-strategy-consultation
A new council strategy which aims to encourage and enable people who wish to grow their own food is to go out for public consultation.
Councillors on the Policy and Resources Committee this week approved the draft ɬ Council Food Growing Strategy, which will now be subject to a four-week public consultation before being presented to full council for final approval.
The strategy has been developed in line with the Scottish Government’s Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and will provide advice and guidance for those individuals and community groups who wish to grow their own food, as well as information on potential community food growing spaces.
This activity has a wide range of benefits including local food supply, health and wellbeing, social interaction and learning as well as contributing to the area’s biodiversity and excellent environmental credentials.
Councillor David Kinniburgh, Policy Lead for Planning and Regulatory Services, said: “Our Food Growing Strategy will contribute to Scotland’s wish to become a Good Food Growing Nation by enabling those people interested in growing their own to enjoy and benefit from nutritious, healthy food.
“I am pleased to promote our culture of growing our own through the Strategy and to acknowledge productive growing activity while also empowering people and community groups to take up the challenge.”
Details on the consultation will be announced shortly.
This press release is also available in Gaelic at: /news/2019/aug/%E2%80%99-chomhairle-ag-iarraidh-gun-cuir-thu-fh%C3%A8in-ris-ro-innleachd-air-cinntinn-bidhe