
Top marks for ɬ school lunch menus

Pupils from across ɬ have an active role in creating their school lunch menus and young people from Lochgilphead Primary were only too happy to show off the delicious food on offer during a visit by the council’s ɬ lead and depute ɬ lead for education.


The primary school menu is revised twice a year and is designed in consultation with the children through pupil focus groups. This helps to ensure that they have a say in the menu choices and get an understanding of the importance of having a balanced diet. Teaching staff, catering staff, NHS dieticians and parents also contribute.


The Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, and Depute Lead, Councillor Kieron Green, went along to Lochgilphead Primary this week to see the choices available on the new autumn/winter menu.


Councillor McNeilly said: “It was an absolute pleasure to visit the school canteen at Lochgilphead Joint Campus and see first-hand the delicious lunches on offer to our young people.


“The staff are extremely hardworking and do a tremendous job, and the children all behaved remarkably. They are a credit to the school.”


Councillor Green agreed: “The choice available was fantastic and the children all appeared to really enjoy their school lunch. By providing healthy teaching habits to our young people at an early age, it encourages them to continue to eat health, balanced meals throughout their lives.”

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