ɬ Council reaffirmed its commitment to help tackle poverty in the area, when members of the Policy and Resources Committee approved a new draft Anti-Poverty Strategy and Plan.
The strategy details the issues that we face, particularly with our geography, demographics and our economic size, and sets out a clear vision:
“We want an ɬ where no-one lives in poverty. Everyone should be able to achieve their potential and feel healthy, happy and valued. We want to be a place where everyone understands that tackling poverty is everyone’s responsibility. We believe that if we act locally, and in partnership, we can make a real difference.”
The strategy sets out four main objectives:
We will listen to people and families experiencing poverty and make sure their voice is heard.
We will support people experiencing poverty to move from dependence to independence.
We will ensure our information and services are easy to access.
We will provide services that meet the needs of people experiencing poverty.
Policy Lead for Customer Services, Councillor Rory Colville said: “These objectives are in line with those of our partner organisations. There are clear challenges ahead, but by working better together we can help to ensure our services are well co-ordinated and designed to meet the needs of those in poverty.
"This is our first Anti-Poverty strategy and allows us to baseline current levels of poverty in our area, and track improvements, with the aim of making a real difference to the lives of those most adversely affected.”