
iPayimpact - Frequently Asked Questions

For secondary pupils the balance of any existing account that you may hold will be automatically transferred to your new iPayimpact account.

  1. What will happen to my account balance in my existing cashless catering account?

For secondary pupils the balance of any existing account that you may hold will be automatically transferred to your new iPayimpact account. Primary pupils will have balances updated by school staff.

  1. How do I register for an iPayimpact account?

You will have received an email communication from Education which includes a Child Account Reference number (one for each child). The email will also detail how you can access the website and provides instructions on how to use the website to make payments and review purchase history for your children

  • Go to
  • Click on Register
  • Enter the Child Account Reference – this will be on the letter provided by the school
  • Create a username that you will remember
  • Enter your username This will be required each time you login to your account
  • Enter a valid email address – this must be valid to send payment receipts and account activation details
  • Confirm the email address by re-entering
  • Enter a memorable password. Please remember not to give your password details to anyone else. Your password must have at least one capital letter, one number and one other character that is not a number or letter
  • Confirm  password
  • Complete the Maths Captcha – needed for additional user security
  • Agree to Terms – Please tick this box.  You can view the terms as required.
  • Click on Register
  1. When inputting my child’s reference number, it says account not found. How do I resolve this?

This error is caused when the account reference number provided is incorrect. The account reference requires to be input exactly as provided in the registration email.

The best way to input the account reference number is to copy and paste it in. Once completed, click into the username field and the Establishment should automatically populate with the name of the school your child attends. This lets you know that the code has been accepted.

Zeros and the Letter O need to be entered correctly, if they appear in your child’s Account Ref, see examples shown in the table below:

123 abc ABC
0 o O


If you continue to receive the error, please contact School

  1. I have not received any communication regarding how to register for the new iPayimpact system. Who should I contact?

If you have not received any communication please contact School

  1. I have only received the information for one of my children. How do I get the information for my other children?

If you have not received all the information you require to register all of your children, please contact School

  1. How do I activate my account?

Once you have registered you will receive an email, containing an activation link. Click on the link or copy and paste the link into your browser and this will activate your account.

  1. I am getting an error message when inputting my post code. What is wrong?

Please ensure that the post code is entered using capital letters with a space e.g. PA31 8RT

  1. It is not accepting my email address. Why?

The system will accept all valid email addresses and receiving an error for a valid email address indicates the email address has been entered incorrectly. Please recheck the email address provided.

If you continue to receive the error, please contact school

  1. How do I login to my account?
  • Go to
  • Click on Login
  • Enter Username
  • Enter password
  • Click Log On

When you first login you will be asked to enter personal details. Information provided is then entered automatically when making payments via the secure site. Please enter these details accurately.

  1.  How do I link my child(s) accounts to my account?
  • Click Child Accounts (from the menu)
  • Enter the Child Account Reference – this will have been provided centrally for your children
  • Click on Find Account and School
  • Click on Link Account

Note: If you have more than one child in an ɬ school, repeat the above process by clicking on Link Another Account

  1. How do I view my child(s) balances?

When you login, your homepage will display all relevant information including balances.

  1. How do I make a payment to my child(s) account?
  • From the Homepage, you can now add items to the basket
  • Click on the Basket
  • Proceed to Checkout and follow the instructions.
  1.  How do I remove items from my basket?

Basket contents can be viewed by clicking on View Basket from the Homepage. Items in your basket are displayed and you can:

  • Click on the Remove button to remove items. You will be asked to confirm removal of the selected item
  • Click on the Amend button to amend the payment amount

Once changes made you can proceed to checkout.

  1. How do I check to see if a payment has been processed?
  • Login to your account
  • Click on Transaction History
  • Click on Details -will show all payments made

You can also check email for payment receipts after successfully processing a payments.

  1. I have forgotten my password – how do I reset it?

To reset your password:

  • Go to
  • Click on Reset your password
  • Enter your username
  • Enter your valid email address
  • Click on Reset Password.

A message will be sent to your email address with instructions on how to reset your password. Please click on the email link, enter your password and confirm by reentering. Click on Change Password. You can now login using the new password.

  1. Can I pre-order my child’s meal choice on iPayimpact?

Yes if your child is at primary school. Please log into iPayimpact. Click the “Pre-order” button next to child name and select the week you would like to pre-order and select meal choices.

You can only pre-order meal choices up to 3 weeks in advance if you have funds available in your account.

Parents of children receiving free school meals can also pre-order meals using iPayimpact

  1. Can my child pre-order at secondary school?

Yes. Secondary school children can pre-order using the Fusion Online app supporting pre-ordering from the school canteen using a mobile phone or through the online portal .

The Fusion Online app by CRB Cunningham is available to download by searching for “Fusion Online” in Google Play/iPhone App Store. Children can then register using the onboarding code provided via email.

  1. I have just topped up the account and when pre-ordering, I am getting a message saying insufficient funds

Please note that it can take 20 minutes for funds to be added.  Pre-ordering can only be done with sufficient funds in account

  1. I have pre-ordered my child’s meals for the week and when I check my balance, I note that funds have been debited

When you pre-order, the amount for each meal ordered is deducted from the account. A pre-order can be cancelled up to 09.30am on the day the order has to be collected.

  1. I have a MyAccount login – can I use that to register for iPayimpact?

At the moment your MyAccount will not link to iPayimpact. Please click on the Register button to set up an account.

  1. Can more than one parent/carer have access to the iPayimpact system?

Yes. Any parent/carer can register for an iPayimpact account. They just need the child account reference number to link their account to the child’s. This is handy when families have separated parent/carers.

Note that whilst any adult with access to the child’s account can see the balance and what they order etc, no personal details, including card details, of the other account holder can be seen.

  1. Why is it important to pre-order Primary Meals?

One of the biggest benefits of the new system is it can reduce waste by not preparing unnecessary meals – but this depends on parents pre-ordering primary meals. By pre-ordering, parents notify catering of children’s meal requirements and also when meals are not required (e.g. if pupil is not going to be at school on a particular day). In the event a meal is ordered and not taken due to absence a refund cannot be given.  It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to cancel a pre-ordered meal when the child will be absent.  

  1. Who do I contact for any other queries?

If you have any other questions, please contact our support by emailing seemis@argyll-bute.gov.uk 

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