

Information for communities, individuals and businesses.

For the latest information on Covid-19, please see the and the

Covid vaccines and boosters

Information about Covid 19 vaccine is available on 

Testing for Covid-19

Most people in Scotland no longer need to test for coronavirus.

You can no longer order free rapid lateral flow or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests from the NHS online.

You may still be able to get free rapid lateral flow tests from your local pharmacy.

You can also buy COVID-19 tests from shops and pharmacies, including online.

Distance aware scheme

Badges and lanyards are now available to collect from all  and Customer Service Points

Getting support

If you are struggling financially or looking for help and advice on matters such as cost of living increases, debt, benefits, and housing our Advice Services section has information and links to guide you to the help you need

If you are on a low income, have no savings and need support with the cost of food or fuel costs then the ÓûÂþɬ Flexible Food Fund may be able to support you

Information for Businesses

Guidance for businesses


FindBusinessSupport.gov.scot directs your business to Scotland’s public sector support. It gives customers an overview of all funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland. This makes it quicker and easier for businesses to find the information, advice and support they need, when they need it.

Information is available for businesses of all sizes – from start-ups to established companies, from sole traders to large enterprises, from commercial businesses to social enterprises.

Information for communities and voluntary sector

The SCVO has guidance for communities, groups and organisations:

Grants and funding

Check our latest Monthly Funding Alert for the latest news on funding

For more funding ideas and a chance to do your own funding search, check our funding webpages

ÓûÂþɬ Third Sector Interface (TSI) also have links to funding sources on their website - 

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