Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973
Proposed Amendments to the Council’s
Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils
Notice is hereby given, that ÓûÂþɬ Council, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by Section 53 (1) of the above mentioned Act, has concluded the initial two periods of 8 week public consultation on proposed amendments to the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils.
A special meeting, held on 11 August 2022, agreed to give public notice of these amendments and a final 4 week period to make representations, prior to its adoption.
The Amend Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils and Associated Documentation may be examined below. Hard copies of the documents may be requested by contacting or by calling 01546 604331.
Any person or organisation wishing to make written representations on the proposed final amendments should address them to or by post to Melissa Stewart, Community Council Liaison Officer, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT within a period of 4 weeks from publication of this Notice (No later than 9 September 2022).
Where no material representations have been made, the Amended Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils (associated documentation and areas and composition) will have effect as of 20 October 2022.
Pippa Milne
Chief Executive
ÓûÂþɬ Council
11 August 2022
Final Proposals and Previous Notices of Review: