
Faslane Maritime Change Programme

Information on the the Strategic Delivery and Development Framework (SDDF).

New Joint Partnership Working Arrangements

With effect from June 2023, please note that the previous Board and Management Group meeting arrangements that were undertaken for 6 years (2016 – 2022) ceased with the new arrangements being the Chief Executive of the Council hosting 6 monthly meetings (or as required) with senior management of HMNB Clyde to continue to develop strategic partnership working.

This reflects the significantly changed operating environment for all stakeholders brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic (i.e. significant reduction in need for office space due to increased remote working for employees) and an ongoing review of the challenges and opportunities. 

The new governance arrangements are much slimmer whilst maintaining the frequency and level of dialogue between the two most significant stakeholders.  The agenda and minutes of these discussions are available below.

Joint Partnership Working Agenda and Minutes

For further information, please contact enquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk

On 27 February 2017, the ɬ Community Planning Partnership and the Royal Navy formally agreed to work together on a mutually supportive relationship to maximise  community benefit as a result of  significant investment into HMNB Clyde. 

Designated as the “UK Submarine Centre of Specialisation”, all submarine operations are now delivered from the Clyde. This brings significant potential for improved economic and social benefits to the wider local area of Helensburgh and Lomond and beyond in ɬ. 

This agreement formalises the ‘Strategic Delivery and Development Framework’ (SDDF) which sets out the governance and joint working in relation to education, economy and regeneration, community facilities, communications and engagement, infrastructure and transportation and accommodation.

The SDDF Board  is responsible for strategic leadership and corporate commitment. The SDDF Management Group is  responsible for the delivery of the priorities set out by the Board.

The Board meets twice a year (although this can vary depending on what is required) and the Management Group meets as required.

You can view the agenda and minutes of these meetings using the links below.  Please note that names of all MOD personnel are redacted.

SDDF Board agendas and minutes



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