Community Planning Partnership ÓûÂþɬ
Climate Change Action Signposting Page
Welcome to this Climate Change signposting page. People throughout ÓûÂþɬ have been and are working hard to tackle many of the issues that affect Climate Change. We have pulled together links to other web pages that may be of interest. They highlight what partners, agencies, community groups and individuals are doing across ÓûÂþɬ to support the fight against Climate Change. Supporting and highlighting climate change is a key theme for the Community Planning Partnership.
Local Climate Change data
We recognise the importance of data in the planning and mitigation activities our communities and partners are engaged in.
The UK Met Office has created a Local Authority climate explorer dashboard which uses three future climate change scenarios to project a series of potential future climate averages and indicators which may be useful in planning projects and activities.
Funding opportunities for Climate Change projects
We have created a funders search to highlight funding opportunities under the Climate Change heading
To help navigation we have grouped the activities into six headings.
News and information on Climate Change opportunities
As part of Scotland's Climate Week Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) have launched a new webpage looking at collective action at the heart of community development and using community-led climate action to make a significant difference.
Keep Scotland Beautiful are working to support a new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.
They are also running a Community Litter Workshop for people in ÓûÂþɬ To find out more and reserve a place .
Positive Action
We have identified the following links to websites highlighting ways for you to get involved. They provide general information about climate change activity with opportunities to get involved.
Our natural environment faces significant threats from the climate crisis. The links here take you to websites that show, what is being done to try and overcome some of the effects challenging our long term future.
Food supply and biodiversity
Biodiversity is vital to our wellbeing and key to our quality of life in ÓûÂþɬ. A healthy and stable environment is central to economic prosperity and the area’s desirability as a place to live, work and visit. The state of our biodiversity is a fundamental indicator of whether we are achieving a sustainable future for ÓûÂþɬ. Looking at our food supply chains can allow us to investigate growing local food helping to reduce food miles and maximise reuse and recycling.
Alternative power generation
Active travel is all about getting you moving from A to B in ways that don’t use fossil fuels. Active travel not only improves your health and wellbeing, but helps reduce your carbon footprint and saves you money. You can save money on your bills at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint. That can involve being more energy efficient, generating your own renewable energy, switching to a green tariff or insulating your home to keep the heat in. We’ve found these local links to things happening on the ground.
Reducing waste and Reuse
Recycling plastic, paper and other waste products is an incredible way to keep a lot of those items from ending up in our oceans or landfills. ÓûÂþɬ have many group working hard to make a difference. Just take a look at what’s going on.
Raising awareness and information
Public awareness is important to increase enthusiasm, support and action, and mobilise local knowledge and resources. These links highlight local efforts and actions to raise awareness.
Decarbonisation Plans and Reports
Many of our Community Planning Partners are required to share their action plans and report their progress towards targets. You can find links to these reports and plans listed below.