
Shaping Places for Wellbeing Training

This training page complements the online webinars organised by the Community Development Team and the local government Improvement Service. Shaping Places for Wellbeing began in 2021 as a Programme delivering local project action supporting organisations to take a place-based approach to increasing wellbeing and reducing inequalities, Dunoon was one of the project towns taking part. The page covers topics such as taking a place -based approach to change, using data to inform your plans, using the framework of the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes to help you focus on where change needs to happen in your area based on health inequalities and an assessment tool to help implement your plans. It includes a PowerPoint presentation, recorded webinar and further links to information about the programme’s impact in the project towns across Scotland.

Place and Wellbeing Outcomes training May 2024

The training  introduced community-based organisations including the third sector, charities and voluntary groups to the framework of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes and how they can be used to support the development of your plans in line with regional and national place-based approaches to improve wellbeing and reduce inequality.

The training is based on the approach of the  and the experience of local project town work with a range of partners to consider plans and strategies that impact on Dunoon. 

What are the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes?

The  provide a consistent and comprehensive focus for where place impacts on the wellbeing of people and planet. They support all sectors to focus decision-making and implementation on a common set of evidenced features that make every place. They align with Government ÓûÂþɬ such as the Place Principle and 20minute neighbourhoods and are backed by evidence pulled together by Public Health Scotland. 

There are five themes which the fourteen Outcomes sit underneath, and the principles of equality, net-zero emission and sustainability underpin them. You can watch a 1 ½ minute on the Outcomes for further background. 

The Outcomes align with the , which you may already be familiar with and is used to engage people in a conversation about their places. The Place and Wellbeing Outcomes represent a desired reality that we all need to strive to reach, and the Place Standard Tool is to capture perceptions on how well people feel they are being achieved. 


How can I use them to support our planning? 

The training introduces the tool of a Place and Wellbeing Assessment which provides a structure to bring together a group of stakeholders to inform decision-making by identifying how a plan, ÓûÂþɬ or proposal will impact on delivering a place that enables wellbeing.

Participants can access and use resources from the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme for  including:

  • A video introducing and why you might want to do one.
  •  setting out the process of doing an assessment.
  • Examples of reports from assessments that have taken place including in Dunoon


Who is the training for?

Any organisation developing a business plan, strategic plan, project proposal, options appraisal local place plan or funding application where they are seeking to identify how it positively impacts on a place and where there are opportunities for collaboration to further strengthen the impact. 


What does the training cover?

The introductory training session covers:

  • What the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes look like in practice in a community context
  • How the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes are being used in other plans and strategies
  • Using data to target inequalities and measure potential impact
  • Available resources to support a Place and Wellbeing Assessment
  • Practical hints and tips on how to set up your own assessment 


The training takes 1.5 hours and is delivered online on Teams using Powerpoint slides and group discussion. 

If you'd like to attend an in-person training session or complete a place and wellbeing assessment with Community Development officer support please register your interest.



Shaping Places for Wellbeing in Dunoon

In Dunoon, stakeholders contributed to the Dunoon Project Town work providing data and local insight, participated in Place and Wellbeing Assessments and engaged in partnership work. The project team presented to local networks, made new connections and shared practice on reducing inequality and improving wellbeing.


The Programme’s ambition is to improve Scotland’s wellbeing by reducing the significant inequality in the health of its people whilst addressing the health of our planet. Support focuses on three key elements to undertaking a place-based approach:

  • What people are experiencing using data
  • The features that a place needs for people to thrive using the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes
  • How to bring data and outcomes into decision making processes.


A summary of the outputs produced for Dunoon can be found on the The summary includes:

  • Data profiles on inequalities in Dunoon
  • Report on insight from Dunoon’s community organisations
  • Reports on all the Place and Wellbeing Assessments of plans and strategies in ÓûÂþɬ
  • Impact stories on the work with local partners and organisations
  • Active Travel and Housing Outcome Briefings: Impact on Dunoon’s Community


Learning from the Programme is being shared across Scotland, any organisation interested in taking a place-based approach can get in touch for support with using the resources, training on using the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes or other bespoke support. 


If you’re interested in joining a learning network to share ideas and experiences of using a place –based approach or to request support contact 







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