Completing your application
How to apply
You can also download an application form.
The information you supply on this form will be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, and appropriate measures are in place to protect your personal data. A full privacy notice, which provides information about your rights under current data protection legislation and details about what will happen to your personal data can be found here:
There is an application fee of £211.10 which must be paid at the time an application is made.
- If you are making your application online, you will be directed to our online payment system when you have completed your application
- If you are sending us your application, you can send a cheque for the fee made payable to ÓûÂþɬ Council to:
Contact Us
You can contact us using our online enquiry form
By post at:
ÓûÂþɬ Council
Regulatory Services
PA31 8RT
Or phone: 01546 605519
Eligibility Criteria
Estates that cull deer and sell the carcasses to either the public directly or to retail shops will need to register. The only circumstances in which an Estate would not require to have a licence would be if the animals were being killed for private consumption on the Estate's premises.
Applicants must not be disqualified from holding a Venison Dealers Licence.
The Application Process
On receipt of the complete application, we will inspect the premises to check they are suitable for the purpose. We will also liaise with the police to ensure suitability of the applicant.
Applications are not granted automatically. It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period please contact us.
Licence Conditions
Each licence issued is subject to standard conditions that are imposed on all Venison Dealer Licences issued however a licence may also contain special conditions that are only applicable to your particular activity. Below is a summary of the regulations relating to this licence.
- The licence must always be exhibited in a prominent position within the premises and be made available for inspection on request at any reasonable time by any Officer of the Council authorised in writing or any Police Officer.
- The licence holder shall ensure that the premises and facilities are kept clean and all business activities at the premises are carried out in such a manner that they are safe and hygienic and so as to comply with all relevant legislation.
- The licence holder shall make any venison or venison products in their possession available for inspection as directed at such times and in such a manner as Officers of the Council may require.
- The licence holder shall make the premises available for inspection by any authorised officer of the Council or Fire Authority or a Police Officer.
- The licence holder shall maintain facilities relative to fire prevention and fire fighting to the satisfaction of the Council.
- The licence holder shall notify Environmental Health of any material changes of circumstances affecting the licence holder or the activities to which this licence relates.
- The applicant must maintain a register indicating the type of game bought, the quantities, the date purchased and the name and address of the persons from whom the purchase was made.
If your application is refused you can contact us to request a statement of the reasons for our decision.
You have a right of appeal to the Sheriff Court.
Appeals against the refusal of an application must be made to the Sheriff Principal of North Strathclyde, Paisley Sheriff Court, St James Street, Paisley, PA3 2AW.