What is a society lottery?
Society lotteries are lotteries promoted for the benefit of a non-commercial society. A society is non-commercial if it is established and conducted:
- for charitable purposes
- for the purpose of enabling participation in, or of supporting, sport, athletics or a cultural activity
- for any other non-commercial purpose other than that of private gain.
A small society lottery:
- does not have proceeds that exceed £20,000 for a single draw
- does not have aggregated proceeds from lotteries in excess of £250,000 in any one year.
Completing your application
How to apply
Lottery Return Form - to be completed after the lottery, or quarterly or annually.
Your application must include:
- A copy of the Society’s Constitution
- The application fee
Regulation Summary
£40.00 for 1 year (runs from January to December) and £20.00 to renew thereafter
Contact details
Telephone: 01546 604355 or licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk
ÓûÂþɬ Council
Governance & Law
Licensing Section
PA31 8RT
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be 18 years of age or over and involved with a Society.
The Application process
The applications are forwarded to Police Scotland and if after 21 days there are no objections, the licence is granted under delegated powers.
If you have made an application for a licence and it has been refused
You may ask us for the reasons for our decision to refuse your application within 21 days of the decision date.
You may appeal to the sheriff against the decision, within 28 days of the decision, as long as you have already followed any available procedure to state your case to ourselves.
The appeal will only be successful if the sheriff considers that we, in making our decision, had:
- erred in law
- based our decision on an incorrect material fact
- acted contrary to natural justice
- exercised our discretion in an unreasonable manner
You may then appeal on a point of law from the sheriff's decision to the Court of Session within 28 days from the date of the sheriff’s decision.
Appeals - Licence Holders
Appeals against the refusal of an application must be made to the Sheriff Principal of North Strathclyde, Paisley Sheriff Court, St James Street, Paisley, PA3 2AW.
You may appeal if we decide to suspend a licence, not to renew a licence, or not to consent to material changes to the premises or vehicle used in the course of a licence holder's work. You may appeal against the decision within 28 days of being notified, as long as you have already followed any available procedure to state your case to ourselves.
The appeal will only be successful if the sheriff considers that we, in making our decision, have:
- erred in law
- based our decision on an incorrect material fact
- acted contrary to natural justice
- exercised our discretion in an unreasonable manner
You may then appeal on a point of law from the sheriff's decision to the Court of Session within 28 days from the date of the sheriff’s decision.