How to apply
Please download and complete the appropriate application form below:
- Application for a Premises Licence (Gambling) (pdf 653.28 KB)
- Application for a Premises Licence (Gambling) - for use on a vessel (pdf 658.55 KB)
- Application for a Provisional Statement (Gambling) (pdf 652.50 KB)
- Application for a Provisional Statement (Gambling) - for use on a vessel (pdf 657.07 KB)
Regulation Summary
- Regional Casino £11250
- Large Casino £7500
- Small casino £6000
- Bingo £2450
- Adult Gaming Centre £1400
- Family Entertainment Centre £1400
- Betting (track) £1750
- Betting (other) £2100
Contact Details
Licensing Section at ÓûÂþɬ Council, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT.
Telephone: 01546 604338 or email:
Eligibility Criteria
An application for a premises licence may be made only by a person who-
(a) Holds an operating licence which authorises them to carry on the activity in respect of which the premises licence is sought, or
(b) Has made an application, which has not yet been determined, for an operating licence which authorises them to carry on the activity in respect of which the premises licence is sought
An application may be made only by a person who has a right to occupy the premises to which the application relates.
Completing your application
Applications must:
- Contain or be accompanied by the required information or documents
- Be accompanied by the application fee
You must:
- Publish notice of your application
- Give notice of your application to the responsible authorities in relation to the premises (as noted below)
- Give notice of your application to other persons
The responsible authorities are:
- ÓûÂþɬ Council
- The Planning Authority
- Environmental Health Authority
- The Gambling Commission
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- ÓûÂþɬ Child Protection Committee
- H M Revenue & Customs
Other evidence
Detailed plans of the premises must be submitted with the application form – detailing the layout of the premises, location of each point of entry to and exit from the premises.
The application process
On considering the application for a premises licence (whether at a hearing or not) a licensing authority shall –
(a) Grant it, or
(b) Reject it
The licensing authority shall not determine the application until the operating licence has been issued.
Further Information
For further information on Gambling please refer to ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Gambling Policy (pdf 466.65 KB) or the Gambling Commission’s website: .
All premises licences issued will be the subject of mandatory conditions. They will also be subject to Default conditions unless the licensing authority decides to exclude them in .
Notice of application for a provisional statement
Notice of application for a provisional statement - Form A
Notice of application for a provisional statement - Form B
Application for a premises licence - example of notice to be published
Notice of application for a premises licence
Notice of application for a premises licence - Form A