Private rented sector housing
Our Advice for both Landlords and Private Tenants
- Co-operation and respect in all matters brings results for you both.
- Use the information here to research your position, be sure of the facts and follow the correct procedures.
- Don’t let small problems become big issues. Deal with matters quickly and efficiently.
- Early contact with Housing Service may provide the advice and assistance you need to prevent disputes arising.
provides a huge information resource for tenants and landlords.
The regulation of the private rented sector is a shared responsibility between the (formerly Private Rented Housing Panel) and the Council.
ÓûÂþɬ Council is running a programme of random sample surveys in the private rented sector to identify houses failing the standard and to work with landlords to make improvements.
Private tenants wishing to make a direct complaint about the standard of their accommodation should follow the advice and procedures of the . Failure to deal with repair issues may affect your registration as a .