Our housing support providers, Carr Gomm and HELP (Argyll & Bute) Ltd are providing a blended service of virtual and office appointments (by pre-arranged appointment) and if you require support, please contact the relevant provider on the following:
HELP (supporting 16-24 year olds in Bute and Cowal)
Any young person 16 to 25 years can reach us during our working hours at Free phone number 0800 121 4099 or text 0797 907 4222
Or find out more by visiting
Carr Gomm - supporting all ages in Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay, Lorn & the Isles and Helensburgh & Lomond; supporting over 25’s in Bute & Cowal
For advice on benefits, or accessing food in ÓûÂþɬ, you can call Carr Gomm on 07827 993020, or call their area contact numbers:
- Lochgilphead office - 01546 606877
- Campbeltown office- 07827 993005
- Oban office - 01631 563375
- Dunoon office - 01369 702021
- Rothesay office - 07827 993010
- Helensburgh office - 01436 676 240
ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Housing Service is committed to preventing homelessness, helping people to stay in their own homes and promoting realistic housing options.
The Housing Support Service aims to:
- Assist people to sustain their tenancies, and prevent homelessness
- Support homeless clients to prepare for the allocation of a permanent home
- Provide quality services and work with internal and external partners to ensure Best Value
- Promote independent living
What is housing support?
Housing support covers a range of activities to enable you to manage on a day to day basis while you are living in your own home or in our temporary accommodation. Support can help you to meet your duties and responsibilities as a tenant and can also help you to get involved in your local community.
The type of support that is provided will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual.
We are committed to ensuring that high quality services are provided to those who need assistance either for a short time to get through a crisis or where support is needed in the longer term.
The following list isn't exhaustive but housing support can include things like advising or assisting with:-
- resettlement
- move-on to new accommodation where less intense support is required.
- dealing with benefit claims and/or other official correspondence relevant to sustaining occupancy of the dwelling
- arranging minor repairs to, and servicing of, domestic equipment and appliances.
- personal budgeting or debt counselling
- preparation for independent living
- general form filling
- accessing furniture
Who can get housing support?
Housing support is available to individuals and families who fulfil any of the following criteria:
- Living in temporary accommodation
- Under the threat of homelessness
- Living in your own home but having difficulties
- Have recently been looked after by a Local Authority (16-17 years olds)
You can get housing support to help you in your existing home – you don’t need to have been asked to leave. One of our aims is to help people to stay in their own homes where possible.
How can I get housing support?
Anyone who feels that they require housing support should contact their local Housing Office and have a Housing Options interview. From this, the area teams can refer directly to the Housing Support Team.
Referrals for housing support can also be sent by various other professionals e.g. Welfare Rights, Citizen Advice, Advanced Nurse, Housing Association landlords and others.
What happens next?
When a referral is received by the Housing Support Coordinator an assessment is carried out in line with ÓûÂþɬ Council Housing Service’s Priority of Need Framework.
The housing support coordinator will then contact you directly to discuss your support requirements and agree a plan tailored to your needs.
If you are assessed as in need of housing support, a referral will be made to external housing support providers.
Your support plan will be reviewed regularly to make sure that you are getting the support that you need.
New tenants and existing tenants struggling to manage their current tenancy
If you are worried about moving into a new tenancy and how you are going to sustain it, you may be able to benefit from housing support.
If you have a permanent tenancy and are struggling to cope, we may be able to help.
If you feel that you are at risk of losing your home, housing support can be arranged for you.
Contact your local housing office or your housing association landlord.
Our Housing Support Providers
We have 2 external housing support providers covering the ÓûÂþɬ area:
- HELP Project – supporting 16-24 year olds in Bute & Cowal
- Carr Gomm – supporting all ages in Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay, Lorn & the Isles and Helensburgh & Lomond; supporting over 25’s in Bute & Cowal
Housing Support
Audrey Callander, Housing Support Co-ordinator (01546 604525)
Area Housing Offices
Mid Argyll - 1a Manse Brae, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RD (01586 559054)
Kintyre - Burnet Building, St John Street, Campbeltown, PA28 6BJ (01586 559054)
Oban - Municipal Buildings, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4AW (01631 567926)
Dunoon - Dolphin Hall, Manse Avenue, Dunoon, PA23 8DG (01369 708535)
Rothesay - Union Street,Rothesay, PA20 0HD (01700 501332)
Helensburgh - The Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre, East Clyde Street, Helensburgh, G84 7PG (01436 658806)
Out of Hours Homeless Line - 0345 056 5457
Housing Support Providers
Carr Gomm, Don Mor Cottage, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4LQ - 01631 563375
HELP (Argyll & Bute) Ltd, 17/19 John Street, Dunoon, PA23 8BN - 01369 707600