There are properties for rent in most parts of ɬ. You can usually find information on vacancies
- In local newspapers
- On information boards in supermarkets and shops
- From solicitors/property centres
- In rural areas, by contacting estates offices
- Search on the internet e.g. “flats to rent Dunoon”, or as appropriate
Rents vary according to the size of property and local area, and mostly do not include Council Tax or the cost of utilities such as gas or electricity. These have to be paid for separately by the tenant.
You may be eligible for Housing Benefit or for Council Tax Benefit.
ɬ Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme
The scheme provides deposit guarantees to private landlords on behalf of new tenants.
The guarantee covers:
Damage to property/inventory items beyond fair wear and tear up to the value of one month’s rent.
It does not cover:
- Fair wear and tear
- Rent in advance
- Unpaid utility bills
- Charges for services / utilities
You may be able eligible for the Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme if you are:
- Assessed by ɬ Council as Homeless or Threatened with Homelessness
- At risk of becoming homeless
- On a low income
How Do I Apply?
You can apply directly at your local Housing Services office.