The following leaflets and booklets on housing issues are available to download.
- At risk of losing your home? It’s not too late
- Are you homeless? We can help
- Housing Information and Advice Service
- Housing Support
- Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme – Helping people to access private rented accommodation in ÓûÂþɬ
- Grants for Private Homes
- Looking After your Home Guide
- A Guide to Finding a Builder and Organising Works
- Equipment, Adaptations and Housing Options for Disabled and Elderly People in Private Sector Housing
- Private Sector Housing – A guide to setting up and running an owners’ association
- Welfare Rights Service (inc Gaelic)
- The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 Section 72 Statement of Assistance for Private Sector Owners
- Empty Homes Information Leaflet
- Housing Options
Alternatively, you can request a hard copy of all or any leaflets by e-mailing and quoting the leaflet number.
If you would like any of our housing leaflets or publications in another language or format, please contact us.
Read the Scottish Housing Regulators leaflet on Complaints and Significant Performance Failures.
Other information leaflets on property maintenance and repair are also available to download from alternative sites, below is a selection of those available: