The Scottish Government has devolved Empty Property Relief to local authorities. From 1st April 2024 ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Policy will be as follows:
Premises generally have to be completely unoccupied to qualify for Empty Property Relief.
There will be no back-dating of Empty Property Relief and applications must be submitted as soon as the property becomes Empty.
It may be necessary to inspect your premises to substantiate your claim.
I confirm that inspection of the property can be arranged by contacting:
A. Change of owner
If any change of owner of the property has taken place since the subject became "empty" please complete the details below as relevant.
B. Change of tenant
If any change of tenancy of the property has taken place since the subject became "empty" please complete the details below as relevant.
Please read this declaration carefully before you sign and submit it.
e.g. Owner; Tenant; Agent; Employee