
Licensing Standards Premises Self-Assessment

Please complete all sections.

PREMISES LICENCE – Section 52(1)
The premises licence, or a certified copy of it (not a photocopy), must be kept at the premises in the custody or control of the licence holder or the premises manager.  The premises licence comprises –
  • The licence
  • The Operating plan
  • The Layout Plan
  • The premises conditions
Summary Premises Licence – Section 52(2)
The summary premises licence, or a certified copy of it (not a photocopy), must be prominently displayed on the premises so as to be capable of being read by anyone frequenting the premises.   The summary premises licence comprises –
  • The summary licence
  • The premises conditions
Personal Licence(s)
Each licensed premises must have in place a Designated Premises Manager (DPM) who holds a valid personal licence.  In addition all personal licence holders must undergo refresher training every 5 years when their personal licence will be updated by the licensing board.  With this in mind
Section 110 Notice – Purchase of alcohol by or on behalf of a person under 18 years
A notice, of at least A4 size must be displayed at all times, at each point of sale at the premises, where sales of alcohol are made, and in a position where it is readily visible to any person seeking to buy alcohol. 
Schedule 3 Notice – Admission of persons under 18 years
If premises provides on sales, a notice of at least A4 size, must be displayed at each entrance to the premises which states either:
  1. That persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted on the premises; or
  2. That such persons are permitted on the premises or on such parts of the premises as are specified on the sign
Staff Training/Knowledge
All staff who are not personal licence holders and who sell and/or serve alcohol on licensed premises must be trained by a personal licence holder or accredited trainer.  The premises manager must be able to evidence the training given and staff and the premises manager must sign a declaration that the required amount of training has been undertaken.
Children and Young Persons
If you have indicated in your operating plan that children and young persons will be allowed access to your premises, you must consider the following:
  1. Access and ages ÓûÂþɬ
  2. Underage ÓûÂþɬ
  3. Policy on young children
Children Access and Baby Changing Facilities (as recorded on operating plan)
If premises provide on sales and cater for children under 5 years then baby changing facilities must be made available to persons of either gender.
Licensing Standards Officer Assistance
The Council Licensing Standards Officers are available to provide advice and assistance on any aspect of the law in relation to your licensed premises and information is also available on the Council website
About Your Premises
Please complete all sections below which are relevant to your premises:
1. Premises Are:
2. Premises are located in:
3. Is live and/or amplified music provided on premises
4. In terms of the operating plan for premises
Contact Details
Contact details will assist the Licensing Standards Officers maintain contact with you and provide advice and updates on the law in relation to licensing.
Premises Full Postal Address
Recorded on Operating Plan
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