
Equality and Fairness

As a council we believe in the principle of equality and opportunity: everyone should have the chance to succeed. We recognise our responsibilities as a service provider and employer to encourage the fair treatment of all individuals and to tackle inequalities.


We recognise the diversity in our communities and that different groups experience different situations and needs. We work to make sure that these issues are taken into account when we plan, design and change our services.

Through our equality and fairness agendas, we are committed to:

  • Eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advancing equality of opportunity
  • Fostering good relations within our communities



Equality and Diversity >

Find out more about our equality outcomes, equality legislation and reporting, and get useful resources and links related to equality and diversity.


Fairness >

Find out more about our commitment to and strategies for encouraging equality of opportunity across our ÓûÂþɬ.

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