Biodiversity Technical Note for Planners and Developers
Our Biodiversity Technical Note helps planners, developers, and homeowners protect local wildlife during building projects.
It also provides essential information on what habitats and species require survey work. Key elements of the new document are a Biodiversity Checklist and an Invasive Species Checklist to help in the basic assessment of any proposed site.
Read the Biodiversity Technical Note for Planners and Developers (Feb 17) here
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys for Community Groups
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys are environmental audits that categorise the different habitat types and features within a survey area, before development or building work is done, to let you know of any potential ecological issues
Find out more about Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
Ecosystem gardening for biodiversity
Ecosystem Gardening is about sustainable gardening, conservation of natural resources, and to create welcoming habitat for wildlife in your garden so that you will attract more:
- birds
- butterflies
- pollinators
- frogs
- toads
- bats
and other wildlife to your garden.
Find out more in our Ecosystem gardening leaflet
Why is Biodiversity important in ÓûÂþɬ?
ÓûÂþɬ is considered to be a biodiversity hot spot with some of the best examples of a range of Land, Freshwater and Marine and Coastal Habitats and Species in the UK.
The many natural influences which have shaped our landscape as well as the variety of man's activities, make ÓûÂþɬ unique.
Biodiversity is vital to our wellbeing and key to our quality of life in ÓûÂþɬ. A healthy and stable environment is central to economic prosperity and the area’s desirability as a place to live, work and visit.
The state of our biodiversity is a fundamental indicator of whether we are achieving a sustainable future for ÓûÂþɬ. The council is committed to embedding sustainable development into all services, and conserving biodiversity in its duty under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.
The vital public services that the natural world provides make it very important to conserve and enhance biodiversity now and for future generations. Biodiversity is central to environmental education and lifelong learning about the world around us; fundamental to our heritage, culture and sense of place and provides relaxation and inspiration.
Land-use Ecosystems
Argyll is made up of a complex mix of forestry, hills and moorland, farmland and peatlands patterned by lochs and rivers.
Argyll has a diversity of agricultural interests in the form of crofting, farming and estate. Our woodlands and forests cover 30% of ÓûÂþɬ, totalling 2000 square kilometres representing 15% of Scotland’s total forest resource. Around 85% is comprised of productive coniferous forests; with the remainder comprising of semi-natural and native woodland made up of birch and Atlantic oak-woods. We have 37,500ha of ancient woodland of which 27,000ha is semi-natural in origin.
Over 50% of the rest of ÓûÂþɬ is a mosaic of heather moor/peatland, rough grassland and bracken scrub. A number of species associated with these habitats are the
- Golden Eagle
- Black Grouse, Marsh Fritillary
- Red Squirrel
- Pine Martin.
Freshwater Ecosystems
The freshwater environment in Argyll is varied, ranging from large lochs and rivers with medium water chemistries to tiny nutrient-poor, peat-stained lochans.
Argyll contains the longest freshwater loch in Scotland (Loch Awe - 41kms) and the loch with the greatest surface area (Loch Lomond - 71kms²). The Freshwater Pearl Mussel, the Atlantic salmon and the Powan are three such species associated with some of our river and loch systems. These freshwater inhabitants are good examples of why Argyll is important for biodiversity, but also why action is required to protect these resources.
Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
The coastline of ÓûÂþɬ is one of its most outstanding scenic assets, attracting thousands of visitors annually from all over the world. The coastline contains many habitats and species, some vitally important and rare marine and coastal habitats which include the strange and unique Serpulid reef in Loch Creran.
This area of the west coast of Scotland is very important for its wide range of marine life which supports a wide number of interests including fishing, diving, whale and dolphin watching and research.
Apart from the ever increasing numbers of seals, twenty three species of whales, basking shark and dolphins have been identified in British coastal waters, and all have been seen off Argyll.
Some of the best areas to spot these animals on a regular basis are just off the islands of Coll and Tiree for Basking Shark, Killer Whale, the Common Dolphin and the Harbour Porpoise.
Although these animals do not spend all year in ÓûÂþɬ waters, they are very important icons for Biodiversity and an increasing whale, dolphin and shark- watching tourist market is growing in the area.
On shore, the habitats of the coastal region support many important animal and plant communities. The world famous machair habitat is well represented in Argyll with 14% of the Scottish total, and equivalent to 10% of the world resource.
This habitat is extremely important for a number of plants and animals, not least the Corncrake and Great Yellow Bumblebee.
The machair of CoIl and Tiree is amongst the most important remaining strongholds for these globally-threatened species. Other Argyll islands and parts of the mainland are also crucial in securing the recovery of Corncrake.
Ecosystems- What are they?
An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment, all interacting as a functional unit.
This approach recognises that habitats and species cannot be considered in isolation but are dependent on maintaining healthy ecosystems, and that the threats and pressures upon these parts of ecosystems need to be addressed in a coordinated way and at appropriate levels.
Current Action for Biodiversity
The ÓûÂþɬ Local Biodiversity Action Plan guides our efforts to protect our natural environment. This plan includes working with various organizations and communities to achieve our goals.
For more information about protecting biodiversity in ÓûÂþɬ, please contact our Local Biodiversity Officer.
For further information on biodiversity in ÓûÂþɬ, please contact our Local Biodiversity Officer.
Biodiversity Duty Reporting
ÓûÂþɬ Biodiversity Duty Compliance Report 2021-2023
ÓûÂþɬ Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2015 - 2020: Project Delivery Summary Report December 2020
These reports forms part of the National reporting and auditing of the Biodiversity Duty by public bodies and is now required by the Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (2011) Scotland.
It reflects agreed activities as set out in the ÓûÂþɬ Biodiversity Duty Action Plan 2016-2021 under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 which places a duty on all public bodies to further the conservation of biodiversity.