What should a new Mull school campus look like, if funding becomes available for one?
The council has been asking for islanders’ views on this question, as a key part of its work to bid for Scottish Government funding for Mull.
The Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) is the Scottish Government’s programme for investment in education.
The council has identified a new school campus on Mull as the priority across its entire learning estate and has put together a bid for LEIP funding for this.
The LEIP does not fully fund projects; if the bid is successful additional funding would have to be secured from other sources. An award of LEIP funding by the Scottish Government however would be a key first step.
If the bid is successful, and if the campus goes ahead, further community consultation will be an important part in progressing this.
A series of pre-engagement sessions were held at Tobermory 2 - 18 school on Thursday 11th August, and at Bunessan Primary School on Wednesday 7th September.
You can view the slides and presentation boards from the pre-engagement sessions here:
- New Mull Campus - presentation boards
- New Mull Campus - presentation slides
- Parents guide to the Consultation Act
Information and queries received during the pre-engagement sessions has been collated, and can be found here:
Next steps
At its meeting on 29th September 2022, ÓûÂþɬ Council confirmed their approval to submit a bid to the Scottish Government for LEIP funding. This bid was lodged by the closing date of 31 October 2022. You can see a copy of the submission "pitch book" here:
Please note, this document may not be fully accessible for anyone using assistive technologies such as screen readers, so we have provided a plain text version as an alternative:
Update - 30th October 2023
ÓûÂþɬ Council has been successful in its bid to the Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) for funding for a new school campus on Mull - find out more in our press release - A new campus on Mull a step closer
For any further queries or information, please e-mail the team at: