
Directory of schools

Directory of all primary and secondary schools in ÓûÂþɬ

Rosneath Primary School

Within Rosneath Primary School there is a welcoming ethos based on a sound partnership between staff, pupils and parents. Each child is encouraged to develop his/her full potential.

Small Isles Primary School

Small Isles Primary School is situated in the village of Craighouse, Isle of Jura. It is the island’s only school and provides education for all children living in its catchment area who are of primary age.

St Josephs Primary School

St. Joseph’s Primary is a Roman Catholic, co-educational school, situated in the upper east end of Helensburgh.

Tarbert Academy

Tarbert Academy is a 3-18 school located in the village of Tarbert comprising three stages of schooling. The Pre-5 unit serves the village and near environs of Tarbert. The Primary serves the village and the surrounding community; and the Secondary serves the communities of South Knapdale and North Kintyre. In addition to its own Primary, the school's associated Primary is Clachan Primary School.

Tayvallich Primary School

Tayvallich primary school is built on a hill overlooking a secluded bay round which lies the picturesque and peaceful village of Tayvallich.

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