
Directory of schools

Directory of all primary and secondary schools in ÓûÂþɬ

Kilchattan Primary School

The school is small, rural, non-denominational and multi-composite, with a pre 5 unit attached and a maximum capacity of 21 children.

Kilmartin Primary School

Kilmartin Primary School sits amidst the fertile lands, peat bogs and surrounding hills that make up Kilmartin Glen. This area has been occupied since the earliest times when hunter-gatherers first changed to a more settled life style and began to cultivate the soil.

Lochgilphead Joint Campus

Lochgilphead Joint Campus is a stunning new building where we strive to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide the best possible education for all pupils between the ages of 3–18.

Port Ellen Primary School

Port Ellen Primary School and Pre 5 Unit is situated on an elevated site at the edge of Port Ellen village. Port Ellen serves the southern part of the Island of Islay and the school catchment area includes the villages of Laphroaig, Lagavulin and Ardbeg as well as an extensive rural area. The majority of our pupils live within a mile of the school.

Rhunahaorine Primary School

Rhunahaorine Primary School is a small country school. The building is situated in a pleasant spot 1.5 miles north of the village of Tayinloan.

Tarbert Academy

Tarbert Academy is a 3-18 school located in the village of Tarbert comprising three stages of schooling. The Pre-5 unit serves the village and near environs of Tarbert. The Primary serves the village and the surrounding community; and the Secondary serves the communities of South Knapdale and North Kintyre. In addition to its own Primary, the school's associated Primary is Clachan Primary School.

Tayvallich Primary School

Tayvallich primary school is built on a hill overlooking a secluded bay round which lies the picturesque and peaceful village of Tayvallich.

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