
Directory of schools

Directory of all primary and secondary schools in ÓûÂþɬ

Campbeltown Grammar School

Campbeltown Grammar School was founded in 1686. It serves the town of Campbeltown, the south Kintyre area and the island of Gigha and has a roll of 360. The new school opened in February 2018 and is very much built for education in the 21st Century. State of the art classrooms all have Promethean Boards that teachers are using effectively to help make their lessons engaging and motivating.

John Logie Baird Primary School

John Logie Baird Primary is a non-denominational school which provides an inclusive education for all, covering the primary stages one to seven. The school also has a pre-school unit for children aged two to five years and has a Learning Centre as enhanced provision for additional support needs.

Lochgilphead Joint Campus

Lochgilphead Joint Campus is a stunning new building where we strive to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide the best possible education for all pupils between the ages of 3–18.

Parklands School

Parklands School was purpose built and opened in March 1994 for pupils with additional support needs of a severe/complex nature.  The school meets the needs of pupils aged 5 to 18 years and these may include ASD, complex and multiple disabilities.

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