
Directory of schools

Directory of all primary and secondary schools in ÓûÂþɬ

Inveraray Primary School

Inveraray Primary is situated in the Royal Burgh of Inveraray and serves the local catchments area. The school was built in 1964 and is a bright and well equipped building.

Iona Primary School

Iona Primary School is situated on the island of Iona on the west coast of Scotland. There is a regular ferry service across the Sound of Iona to Fionnphort on Mull.

John Logie Baird Primary School

John Logie Baird Primary is a non-denominational school which provides an inclusive education for all, covering the primary stages one to seven. The school also has a pre-school unit for children aged two to five years and has a Learning Centre as enhanced provision for additional support needs.

Kilchattan Primary School

The school is small, rural, non-denominational and multi-composite, with a pre 5 unit attached and a maximum capacity of 21 children.

Kilcreggan Primary School

Kilcreggan Primary School is a non-denominational, and co-educational school situated on the Rosneath Peninsula, between the villages of Cove and Kilcreggan.

Kilmartin Primary School

Kilmartin Primary School sits amidst the fertile lands, peat bogs and surrounding hills that make up Kilmartin Glen. This area has been occupied since the earliest times when hunter-gatherers first changed to a more settled life style and began to cultivate the soil.

Kilmodan Primary School

Kilmodan Primary School and ELC is situated in the heart of Glendaruel, serving the local communities of Glendaruel and Colintraive. Kilmodan has two classrooms, one of which hosts the ELC/P1/P2 and the other P3-7.

Kilninver Primary School

Kilninver Primary School serves a wide rural area to the south of Oban. There are two main classrooms and a general-purpose hall. Pupils are taught in composite classes.

Kirn Primary School

Kirn Primary is a non-denominational school situated in Ardenslate Housing Area. The original building dates back to 1881 which is connected to a new build school which boasts 14 classrooms, large gymnasium, dance studio and lunch hall. Our playground has a polytunnel and 2 large play areas for older and younger pupils. There is a separate outdoor area for the 3 and 4 year olds.

Lismore Primary School

Lismore Primary School and Pre-5 Unit educates boys and girls from about three years of age until they leave home and the island community at about twelve years old to continue their education at Oban High School.

Lochdonhead Primary School

Lochdonhead Primary School is a co-educational school, situated at the head all of a sea loch and enjoying superb views from every aspect. Accommodation provides two classrooms, staff room, office, kitchen/dining room and entrance hall. The beautiful outdoor environment is used regularly by the school for learning and teaching including our beach school.

Lochgilphead Joint Campus

Lochgilphead Joint Campus is a stunning new building where we strive to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide the best possible education for all pupils between the ages of 3–18.

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