
Luing Primary School

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Primary School is situated on the beautiful Island of Luing which lies nineteen miles south of Oban. The island is seven miles long and two miles wide and has a population of around two hundred. It is mainly a farming and fishing community and a number of residents commute daily to Oban via the ferry at Cuan.

The school comprises two indoor classrooms (nursery to primary 3, primary 4 to 7), and an outside learning area with an outdoor all-weather classroom. The school also has an extensive adventure garden with wild flowers, cultivated areas, composting, vegetables and breathtaking views. The school also has a dining kitchen where meals are prepared by our school cooks.

HMIE inspection Reports:

HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.

You can read and download any inspection reports for this school, and find out more about the inspection process, on the .


Isle of Luing,
PA34 4TY


Luing Primary School
Isle of Luing
PA34 4SZ
United Kingdom

Early Learning and Childcare
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