
Tobermory Primary Pre Five Unit

Tobermory , Isle of Mull


Our vision is to drive forward the Scottish Government’s mission statement that Scotland should be ‘the best place for children to grow up’. We intend to deliver on this statement through a shared understanding and knowledge that our children’s needs are at the centre of their learning. A key component of our vision is to ensure we as a staff can offer the most effective provision through updating our skills, reflect on the impact of our practice and engage families and the community in the learning and teaching process. Our vision is to prepare children with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to become successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible citizens.


This vision is underpinned by the following values; Respect, Resilience, Confidence, Collaboration and Creativity.  We value nurturing relationships, friendship, individuality, inclusion and equality.          


Our aim is to provide a safe, stimulating learning environment in which every child feels valued, included, happy and secure.  We aim to foster an ethos of support and encouragement to ensure the development of independent, enthusiastic and motivated learners. Through play, we aim to provide learning opportunities which promote the principal drivers of early education; curiosity, inquiry and creativity and to enrich children’s learning through challenge and skilled questioning. In developing an ethos of shared leadership, staff will have opportunities to develop and lead on key elements of child learning and development which should lead to more positive outcomes for our children and families.

ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds: 


ELC funded hours for eligible 2 year olds: 


Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year (August – July): 


Funded ELC operating days: 

Monday to Friday

Funded ELC session times: 

9am to 3pm

Funded ELC hours per week: 

30 hours 


Tobermory, Isle of Mull

Care Inspectorate: 

Local Authority
Funded ELC for 2 year olds
Funded ELC for 3 and 4 year olds
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