Our school vision
At Lochnell Primary School and Early Years, learners, staff, parents/carers and community partners work together supporting learners to:
- Build upon their RRS (Ready, Respectful, Safe) foundation.
- Seek out and embrace opportunities to be the best they can be.
Our school aims
What we will do to achieve our vision:
- Inspire curiosity and creativity through rich learning experiences.
- Encourage ambition by opening minds, aiming high and celebrating achievements.
- Develop kindness through an ethos of inclusion and mutual respect.
- Enable appreciation and consideration of our local community and the wider world.
- Create a calm, purposeful and fun learning environment where learners feel valued.
- Continue to evaluate, evolve and excel!
Our school values
Alongside being Ready, Respectful and Safe, we are:
- Kind
- Ambitious
- Fun
- Inclusive
- Curious
ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds:
ELC funded hours to eligible 2 year olds:
Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year (August – July):
Funded ELC Operating days:
Monday to Friday
Funded ELC session times and hours per week:
Funded session times: 9am to 3pm
Funded hours per week: 30 hours
Benderloch, by Oban
Care Inspectorate:
Local Authority
Funded ELC for 3 and 4 year olds