Lochgilphead Primary School Pre-5 Unit provides a happy, caring and stimulating environment. We benefit from custom built facilities that provide extensive opportunities for both indoor and outdoor play. All staff are qualified and very experienced in the delivery of the early years’ curriculum, providing children with well-planned and exciting experiences. Children regularly visit Kilmory Woods for Forest School activities enabling them to learn about the environment and develop a range of skills. The Pre-5 Unit has close links with Primary 1 thus offering an enhanced transition process into Primary education.
ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds:
ELC funded hours to eligible 2 year olds:
Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year (August – July):
Funded ELC Operating days:
Monday to Friday
Funded ELC session times and hours per week:
Funded session times: 9am to 3pm
Funded hours per week: 30 hours