We are a free standing nursery establishment providing high quality early learning and childcare for children both indoors and out.
Our Main aim is to give children the best start in life and equip them through education to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
Our vision is that together we will realise ambition, excellence and equality for all. Our Values are respect, opens and fairness are delivered to all children through our 6 key objectives which are;
- raise education attainment and achievement for all.
- ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.
- use performance information to secure improvement for children .
- equip young people to secure and sustain positive destinations and achieve success in life.
- ensure high quality partnership working and community engagement.
- strengthen leadership at all ends.
It is important we tackle the significant inequalities in Scottish society and improve the life chances for young children and families at risk. We are constantly aiming to Improve attainment particularly in literacy and numeracy and closing the gap between the most and least disadvantaged children while improving young people's health and wellbeing.
ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds:
ELC funded hours for eligible 2 year olds:
Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year (August – July):
Funded ELC Operating days:
Monday to Friday
Funded ELC session times and hours per week:
Patterns available:
- 5 days: 9am to 3pm - 30 hours a week term time
- 5 days: 8.30am to 1.30pm - 25 hours a week for 45.6 weeks
- 4 days: 8.50am to 3.20pm - 26 hours a week for 43.9 weeks