- How we can help, Sometimes our thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us. It helps to get some Breathing Space. Pick up the phone - we're here to listen. A confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed. Breathing Space is a free confidential service for people in Scotland. Open up when you're feeling down - phone 0800 83 85 87
- The Living Life to the Full course is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high-quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills. The course content teaches key knowledge in how to tackle and respond to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives
- One Parent Families Scotland aims to enable single parent families to achieve their potential, to reach a decent standard of living and contribute to Scottish society.
- Tips and advice you can trust to help with the highs and lows of parenting.
PoPP (Psychology of Parenting Project) - We know parenting can sometimes be tough and the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) may help. Find more information about PoPP by contacting your health visitor, nursery staff or PoPP direct at or call 01700 501544.
- Your website for All things SingleParent. Understanding, valuing and supporting your role in raising the next generation. If you are single and a parent raising children on your own, due to relationship breakup, illness, bereavement, work commitments or choice – this is the place for you.
- free access with password Tartan - The Solihull Approach is about emotional health and wellbeing for all children, their parents, carers and grandparents. We are passionate about sensitive relationships, early years support and understanding brain development to help nurture kind, emotionally aware children as they grow.