Making an Early Learning and Childcare application
Where can I find out information on what ELC settings there are in my area?
A full list of ELC settings across ɬ can be found here: Find your ELC setting options in your area
This contains up-to-date information on all ELC settings across ɬ, including indoor settings, Childminders and Outdoor Settings. Information can be found on what funded ELC hours they offer, which you should make yourself familiar with prior to making your application. This will allow you to request the hours that suit your family, within the model of ELC they offer. Please also feel free to contact your preferred ELC setting directly, each page contains contact details.
Can I split my child’s funded ELC over more than one setting?
Yes, this is known as a blended placement. ɬ Council will accommodate shared placements across 2 different ELC settings, where this meets the needs of the child and parents/carers.
Please be mindful that the aim of ELC is for “children to experience consistent high quality early learning and childcare. This means consistency of relationships with staff and other children; and consistency of experiences”. Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Early Learning and Childcare, Statutory Guidance. However, a range of settings can be beneficial for children and parents.
The local authority has a strong expectation that ELC Providers will share information on attendance patterns and anything else that might have an impact on a child’s wellbeing, development and learning. This could be through visits, telephone contact, email or any other suitable means of regular communication. Parents can expect to be kept informed of how ELC settings are sharing progress and working together to ensure continuity in learning and care for their child and, through their own active engagement, will have an important role to play in this.
I am not resident in ɬ and won't be when my child is eligible to start, can I apply?
Yes, you can make a cross boundary application for ELC in ɬ.
I live in ɬ currently, but will be resident at a different address in ɬ when my child is eligible to start ELC, what should I do?
Please apply with your current address so that you are able to submit the required proof of address document. When you move, please inform the relevant ELC setting promptly of your address change.
I am not resident in ɬ currently, but will be resident in ɬ when my child is eligible to start ELC, what should I do?
Unfortunately you cannot make an application for ELC with us until you are resident in ɬ. This is to prevent us incorrectly obtaining cross boundary funding approval from the local authority area you are currently resident in.
What is an ELC model?
An ELC model is how hours will be offered across an academic year. The most common model is a term time model where the 1140 hours of ELC entitlement are offered over 38 weeks. This means 30 hours are received a week, with no ELC hours received during school holidays. School holiday dates for 2024-25 can be viewed here, and 2025-26 here.
I made a mistake on the online form I submitted, what do I do?
Please reply to the confirmation email you will have been sent, detailing the changes you wish to make. This will alert us to your request. Please check your spam/junk folder if you can’t see the confirmation email in your inbox.
I don't have internet access to complete the online form, or I can't upload the required documents, what should I do?
Please contact your preferred ELC setting and let them know you need to provide these documents in person. They will arrange a time to scan your documents and complete the online registration form with you. Make sure this is in registration week to avoid a late application.
I am having issues completing the address part of the online form.
Please ensure that you are putting a space between the two parts of your postcode. If your address is not listed, please select No to 'Is your address in Argyll & Bute?' then manually enter the address.
The confirmation email I received after submitting the online form, doesn't show the attachments I uploaded, is this normal?
Yes, your automatic reply showing the information you submitted will not include the attachments. If there are any issues with your application or these didn't upload correctly, we will contact you via email.