
Silver Wedding Dowry Fund

Dating back to the 19th century the Silver Wedding Dowry Fund celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Third Marquess of Bute and is available to brides marrying in December.

Third Marquess of Bute's Silver Wedding Dowry Fund

In 1897 the Marquess of Bute established a Wedding Dowry Fund to mark the occasion of his Silver Wedding Anniversary. The interest realised from the fund was to be used as a ‘Dowry’ for any girl resident in Rothesay being married in December of any year. The fund was to be administered by the Provost and Magistrates of the Burgh of Rothesay and prospective applications had to be lodged before the December meeting of the Town Council. ÓûÂþɬ Council is now responsible for the administration of the Fund and applications are considered, in the first instance, by Bute and Cowal Area Committee following the timetable and original conditions.

To apply for the fund, please download the application form below, and email it back to areagovernance@argyll-bute.gov.uk.

Download application form

Applicants will also need to provide the name of a local Councillor who can be contacted to countersign the application.

If you are unable to complete this application form electronically please contact the Committee Manager, Stuart McLean, on 01436 658717

The closing date for applications for 2024 is 22nd November 2024.

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