
Scotland Loves Local - Frequently Asked Questions for Customers

FAQ for customers receiving a Scotland Loves Local gift card

How much is the card for?

The card is for £95 to be spent in any of the 300 business that have signed up in ÓûÂþɬ area only

Where can customers use their card?

At any of the current 300 participating business in Argyll & Bute:


New businesses are signing up each day so this will no doubt increase

Who is eligible for a card?

A household on one of our islands where at least one resident was in receipt of Council Tax Reduction (CTR) on 31 August 2024. There are approx. 1,256 eligible recipients on our islands.

What about claimants who live on an island in ÓûÂþɬ and who have  had their CT awarded after 31 August 2024, but backdated to before that date and didn’t receive a card in this exercise?

If you fall into this category then you are eligible for a card, please contact us and we will make arrangements for a card to be issued to you. 

When are the cards being sent?

Eligible citizens will receive 2 letters, the first with the activation code will be posted on 18th November 2024 followed by the second letter containing the giftcard.

How long do customers have to activate their card?

They will have three months (28th February 2025) to activate their card. Customers who have received replacement cards will also have to ensure their card is activated by that date.

How long do customers have to use their card?

Customers will have 12 months from the date of activation.

Can council customer service Agents validate a card for a customer who cannot do this themselves?

Yes, customers can contact the council for assistance with card activation on: 01546 605512.

What happens if a customer has a damaged card?

If the 16 digit card number is not visible i.e. Glue Damage the council can activate the card on their behalf and provide them with the card number. If the barcode is damaged the council can request a replacement card. Their activation code will remain the same and so should be retained.

What happens if a card has been lost or not received? 

Council agents will check to see if the card has been activated and if it has been activated advise customer there is nothing the council can do. If it has not been activated a new card can be requested, however, this cannot be done until 10 days after the initial cards have been issued which will be Friday 6th December 2024 to allow time for postal delays. The activation code will remain the same.

Can a replacement card be issued?

Only if the card has not been activated. Only one replacement card will be issued per household and the original card will be disabled. The activation code will remain the same.

How to check if a card has been activated?

By calling the Balance Enquiry Number: 0121 260 28949 or National website link 

Customer has received their card but no activation code?

Council customer service agents will check to see if the card has been activated and if it has, advise that as it has been activated there is nothing they can do. However, if it hasn’t they can either activate it for the customer or provide them with the activation code after relevant identity check have been completed.

Customer has an activation error

Council customer service agents can attempt to activate the card on behalf of the customer. If the error still persist, they can arrange for a replacement card to be issued

Can Agents check a balance on a card?

Customers can check their own balance by calling the Balance Enquiry Number: 0121 260 28949 or logging on to  but if they cannot do this, council agents can also check by logging on to the same site.

How can customers make an enquiry?

Customers  can telephone the Benefits Golden Number: 01546 605512, Visit a customer Service Point, use the council’s online Webchat facility or log on to the Website Scotland Loves Local - ÓûÂþɬ Gift Card (argyll-bute.gov.uk). They will also have the option of completing an online Enquiry Form (except where they have an activation issue).

Can a customer make a purchase for more than the balance on the card?

Yes but this is at the discretion of the vendor.

Card sent to a person now deceased

If the deceased was the sole Council Tax Reduction (CTR) claimant then it should be returned to the council to be cancelled.  If the CTR was a joint claim then the remaining claimant can use the card.

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