
Procurement procedures

Find out more about our procurement service and procedures we follow.

How we buy supplies and services

For contracts up to a value of £999 a pricing agreement should be reached prior to purchasing.

For contract values for supplies and services valued between £1,000 and up to £49,999 we will use an existing Council or national contract where possible. If no suitable contract exists, we will seek a minimum of 3 quotes. Normally, we will use the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) Quick Quote facility for these contract values, although a Single and Dual Stage tender process may be carried out if required .

You can register as a potential supplier on the and once registered, you will receive notifications of suitable contract opportunities for your area of interest.

For contract values for supplies and services over £50,000 an existing Council or national contract will be used. Where these are not available, the opportunity will be advertised through the PCS website via a Single or Dual Stage Tender.

Contract opportunities for Works

For contract values between £1,000 - £2,000,000   

The Council will use an existing Council or national contract where possible. If no suitable contract exists, we will seek a minimum of 3 quotes. Normally, we will use the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) Quick Quote facility for these contract values. If applicable the Vendor Rating System (VRS) for Works Contracts will be used to select a distribution list for Quick Quotes – please contact procurement@argyll-bute.gov.uk if your organisation would like to be included in the Vendor Rating Systems for Building or Infrastructure Works.

Where Quick Quotes are not considered to be appropriate for the scope of works, a Single or Dual Stage Tender will be carried out.

For contract values over £2,000,000
Single or Dual Stage Tenders will be carried out via PCS.

Low Value / Low Risk Purchases

Read the Terms and Conditions which relate to low value/low risk orders here

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