
Children and Young Persons

Licensing objectives on which the licensing system is based.

The Licensing Objectives

sets out five licensing objectives on which the licensing system is based and Licensing Boards must take these into consideration when carrying out their functions. Each has equal weighting and they are as follows:

  1. Preventing Crime and Disorder
  2. Securing Public Safety
  3. Preventing Public Nuisance
  4. Protecting and Improving Public Health
  5. Protecting Children and Young Persons from Harm

Protecting Children and Young Persons from Harm

It is a requirement of the 2005 Act that each premises licence contains an operating plan detailing the core hours for the sale of alcohol; any other activities taking place on the premises; and, for on-sales premises only, children and young person access.

Terms of Access – On-Sales Only

The operating plan must include a statement detailing whether children or young persons are to be allowed entry to the premises, and, if entry is allowed, the terms of entry including in particular:

  1. the ages of the children or young person to be allowed entry;
  2. the times at which they are to be allowed entry; and
  3. the parts of the premises to which they are to be allowed entry

Statutory Notice

On sales premises must also display a statutory notice which is reasonably visible to customers entering the premises detailing whether children or young persons are allowed entry or not.  It is recommended that this notice is framed or laminated and displayed at each public entrance to the premises.


A “C󾱱” means a person under 16 years

A “Young Person” means a person aged 16 or 17 years

If you require further information on children and young persons and alcohol, then please contact one of the licensing standards officers.

Example Notices:

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