
Medical Certification of Cause of Death contact details

Guidance for emailing the medical certificate of death to the Registrar

Hospitals and GP's emailing a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (Form 11) for a death to be registered with an ÓûÂþɬ Registrar should emailed to: argyllandbute_registrars@custhelp.com

The following details should be included in the email:

  • Which registration office the death is to be registered with
  • Contact details for the next of kin, name, phone number and email address

To prevent any delay in the registration please ensure both sides of the form are completed, particularly that the hazard boxes have been ticked and abbreviations are not used in a cause of death.  

Please note that MCCD’s cannot be accepted if they have a DRAFT watermark, however DUPLICATE watermark is acceptable.  

Electronic MCCDs should be printed and signed by the certifying doctor.

The MCCDs should be emailed in PDF format and then posted to the relevant office the death is being registered at.  DO NOT ISSUE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE TO THE NEXT OF KIN.

Areas within ÓûÂþɬ are:

  • Campbeltown
  • Dunoon
  • Helensburgh
  • Isle of Islay
  • Lochgilphead
  • Isle of Mull
  • Oban
  • Rothesay
  • Isle of Tiree
  • Isle of Jura
  • Isle of Coll
  • Isle of Colonsay


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