
Family History / Genealogy

We may be able to help you with Genealogical research.

All computerised registration offices in ÓûÂþɬ have access to Scotlands People (Genealogical Records of Scotland).

The information we are able to provide regarding genealogical research is as follows:

  • Old Parish Register Images 1553 to 1854 - Births, Marriages and Deaths
  • Census Images 1841 - 1911
  • Birth Images 1855 to date - recent records are currently being added
  • Death Images 1855 to date - recent records are currently being added
  • Marriage Images 1855 to date - recent records are currently being added
  • Divorces and Dissolutions 1984 to date - recent records are currently being added
  • Civil Partnership Indexes from 2005 - date - recent records are currently being added
  • To help you with your family history research, the Registrar can offer you the following:-
  • A specific search - this is a search for a particular entry of  Births, Deaths or Marriages. The fee for this is £5.00 .
  • An assisted general search - a registrar assisted search of the records relating to your family tree costing  Â£15.00 per hour or part of.
  • Certified extracts of entries for the current certificate fee of £10.00 (where a search fee has been paid)


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