If you have successfully applied to become a British Citizen and you are over the age of 18, you are required by law to take part in a citizenship ceremony to complete the process.
Under 18’s are not required to have a ceremony but are welcome to take part if there are other members of the family who are attending a citizenship ceremony.
Your ceremony will be carried out at your local registration office with up to 4 guests permitted to attend. The Lord Lieutenant of ÓûÂþɬ or their deputy will be in attendance on behalf of His Majesty King Charles III along with a Local councillor on behalf of ÓûÂþɬ Council.
Further information on becoming a British Citizen is available from the
How do I become a British Citizen?
The Home Office deals with enquiries about the requirements and qualifications are on becoming a British Citizen.
How to book a ceremony?
Once you have received your Home Office invitation letter please call 01546 605521 (option 1) to arrange a Citizenship Ceremony, enquire online or email us registrationenquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk
Please note: We are unable to hold your ceremony until we receive the naturalisation certificate. When you contact us to let us know that you have your invitation letter, we will hold your contact details and let you know once we have received your certificate and so can progress with your ceremony.
Where can I have my ceremony?
We are able to offer you a ceremony at your local registration office can be arranged.
When can I have my ceremony?
Ceremonies can be organised within 20 working days days of us receiving your certificate from the Home Office but we aim to have them arranged sooner.
What do I need for my ceremony?
Before a citizenship ceremony can take place you are required to provide the Home Office invitation letter or email and photographic ID.
What happens at the ceremony?
Please arrive at the office 10-15 minutes before the start time of the ceremony and bring your Home Office invitation letter or email and photo ID. During your ceremony you will be asked to make either an oath or affirmation and then to pledge allegiance to the United Kingdom. The ceremony will last 10-15 minutes and the end will be signified by the playing of the National Anthem.
What happens after the ceremony?
We will present you with your certificate during the ceremony along with a commemorative medal.
You can then and will be able to